Saturday, November 17, 2012

How To Reach Your Ideal Income

Dreaming is human. Everyone has a dream career. Everyone has a dream bank balance! And everyone has a dream income to facilitate that bank balance! But reaching your ideal income is something that needs a lot of hard work. Even more important is a positive attitude towards your life and your goals. If you see yourself as a loser even before you have lost things will never work in your favor. I CAN DO IT! Keep this mantra in your mind and every dream is a reality and every career goal is achieved. Your destiny is yours to fulfill but it always helps if u have a specific set of rules to guide you. There are many rules that can help you in this.

1) Make visualization of your ideal a daily routine. Think of your ideal income as the most important goal in your life. Think about what you would do with that income. Tour the world with your family? Increase your bank balance? Invest the money in some way? Invest it on the education of your children?

Sketch out the most important way as to how you would spend that money. Keep it in your mind and think about it day in and day out. This will keep you focused and will help you attain a never say die attitude towards your goal. Motivation is very necessary and visualization of your goals all the time comes in handy in this situation.

2) Focus on the hurdles that you have to cross to reach your ideal income. Do you need a special training? Do you need to do an extra degree? Do you need a special qualification? Think about it. If you don’t have the answers consult experts who can help you out. If you can chalk out the hurdles then overcoming your average income can be very easy. Just don’t stay put at that! Work towards it! Go ahead and complete that degree that you wanted to do for a long time! Get that training from a reputed institute! Get qualified and get ready.

3) Identify your limiting thoughts. Just think for a minute and find out those negative vibes that limit you through and destroy the whole process of your career advancement. Negative thoughts and vibes destroy a person completely. Drive away all the negative forces around you and be the confident person that you were destined to be.

4) Find people who can guide you through this process. Mentors are always helpful in all career decisions. Find out a person who can be your mentor. Someone who can devote time to you and someone who is from your field of work. Even if he is not from your field of work he should be experienced and qualified. Do not be shy to take the advice of a mentor. He will help you reach your career goals and increase your income.

5) Read motivational materials. Motivational materials are always ample. You just have to look for it. Reading such materials always gives you a confident outlook towards life. It makes you confident and gives you the much needed positive vibes.

6) Find out your ideal income and compare it with your average income. Find out the difference and work towards achieving it!

7) Have a written plan and find out how to implement it. Having a written plan always helps. When you have it written, you can always refer to it in the hour of your need.

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by: Silas Reed

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